All the meat you need
Intervlees imports and exports a wide range of meat with a perfect price/quality ratio. Our supplier markets are focused on South America and New Zealand, because we strongly believe not only in the superior quality of their meat, but we also see this as a strategic part of Europe’s meat consumption right now, and in the future.
Intervlees is one of the leading European importers of meat. The taste of our meat from animals raised in the wild and fed on pastures is incomparable.
Our stock offers meat from grass-fed animals, grain-fed, angus and black angus, chilled and frozen, in addition to a wide range of selected cuts.

Intervlees is one of the main European importers of beef and lamb from different countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, New Zealand, etc …
From our headquarters in Brasschaat (Antwerp), Belgium and our cold store beside the Port of Rotterdam, we deliver every day, to customers, markets and countries all around in Europe. We have a constant goods rotation of about 15.000 tn a year. That means around 300 tn of meat arriving every week at Rotterdam’s port

Intervlees is formed by a team of specialist professionals, willing to give you the best service and response to your needs.
Intervlees’ quality policy guarantees our commitment to Food Safety and Food Defense as our main responsibility.